Thursday 16 October 2014

Pitch (8) costume/ props

There will be three costume changes in this music video. The costumes will change according to the structure of the song introduction/ verse/chorus/verse/chorus/bride/chorus. In the introduction the artist will be shown wearing a long sparkly dress as it represents her beauty , elegance and showing how she is dressed to impress because she in love. The costumes will then switch in the chorus to something more casual and colourful to show that she's original , youth and free.This is when the dance choreography is shown. Finally, when she interacts with different people from different communities (age, gender and race) she will also wear casual clothing to show that she's equal to everyone else.
-Ana Etienne -Escudero
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We will be using a sky lantern with the candle inside, at the end of our music video, where we will release it at Alexandra Palace to show the she's share the with the world.
The candle and light symbolises love , warmth and companionship which links to the lyrics in the song.

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