Wednesday 8 October 2014

As an artist

As an artist 

Being an artist for this short music video was a good experience as it gave me the opportunity to get an insight of how it would be for our actual music video I will produce with my group. Before shooting this rehearsed the song several time so that it would be fluent on the day we filmed, this gave me a head start which allowed me to  add actions and get into character. Through my facial express portrayed my feeling of confusion and loss which links to the meaning of the lyrics of the song. "We used to be long life " and " I can't live a lie".
I showed this by looking around,  down and limited my movement.
I made sure that I moved and sang to to the rhythm and beat of the music so that in post production it would be easier to sync the footage with the audio from the original track.
I wore two costumes in this music video : a black long sleeve shirt ,with jeans , trainers and changed into a black leather. My style was presented as casual and simple but effective. The black coloured clothing contrasted well with coloured background such as the red leaves . I decided for my costume to be casual as we had only had 35 minutes to film and it was easy for me to change. Also as the video was low budget , I wanted to be original. I wore hoop earrings which also goes with youth, which also indicates our target audience is young people. I decided to bring in my own prop, which a pink rose. I chose this specific prop  as we thought it was ideal with the meaning of the song ( love, relationship and break ups) . I kept this prop through out the different base track footage so that it would be clear when we edit and no sudden changes. I played with the rose and looked upset as she is lost with her relationship. I look directly to the camera , breaking the fourth wall invoving the audience , which may relate with their past realtionships. 

One thing I think I could improve on is to articulate and pronounce words in the song so when we start editing it will be easier and it looks realistic that I'm singing for our final music video

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