Thursday 16 October 2014

pitch (6): Audience 2 - Ana

As a group we went out to Angel and held interviews with young females and a male asking question such as:
  • What would you expect to see in a pop music video?
  • What is your favourite genre ?
  • Who is your favourite pop artist ?
  • If you made a pop music video what would be your expectation ?
  • Do music videos influence your everyday life and the way society behaves ?
  • What colours would you expect to see in a music video ?
This interview was held by Ana as she wanted to know more of what the audience thoughts were in pop music videos and the ways we could interpret our own creative music video, in a way that the audience would enjoy it .
Ana asked  four teenagers ages 17-20 as this is will roughly be our target audience for our music video.

This is a video includes interviews with a young female audience and screen shots from twitter of Jess Glynne's fans tweeting about different events and songs.


This is a video where a 20 year old teenage boy, who is passionate of music is being interviewed by Ana

Overall, we had different responses from our audience some believed that music videos and the lyrics used give out  a negative message  to their audience such as drugs, objection of women and money. Whereas, there were people against this saying that music is part of their lives and it's a way of enjoying themselves.
80% of our audience agreed that music videos have bright colours , dance choreography , graphic and flashing images. We were surprised with our male interview as he had similar ideas to what our music video would include "culture , music , diversity an young atmosphere". In this interview Ana could relate to this audience member as she will be the artist in our music video and she took his comments on board , so that  she performs the best she can , to please her audience.

Fans creating a buzz on twitter for the song in our music video.

Teenage girls , which is our primarily target audience are waiting to meet Jess Glynne.

- Ana Etienne - Escudero

Arbrie created a survey where we can gather answers from our audience about pop music videos. Click the link bellow to view or take part in our survey:

 ^^Evidence for the survey Arbrie created.

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