Friday 10 October 2014

Base Track Editing 50 Seconds Final Music VIdeo !!!!!

We posted our final music video however, the quality of it decreased on blogger. We didn't want this to occur so we created a youtube account, uploaded the video  and embedded it on to blogger.
We want our audience to see our music video the best way possible. In this 50 second music video we have followed Carol Vernallis theory by the way camera shots ( high angle shots, mid shots , extreme close up and longshot) are presented and the way it has been edited. We have used several shot types to make our 50 second music video more interesting and engaging for viewers. We followed her theory which was a pan from up to down at the start of the video to introduce the artist. This is commonly done when females are introduced in music videos and shows their status . We also used tilts in this video which is a key feature in music videos and shows how creative we can be with such a low budget and small amount of time. We believe the the framing and lighting was done well in this video. The lighting was neutral and allowed our footage to be shown clearly. We were lucky as the day we filmed was sunny, we looked for different spots and location were there were bold colours such as the red leaves as it would stand out and look great as a  background. We ensure that our camera frame work was done appropriately before we started recording we ensure the artist was in place and the person on the camera was focused and ready.

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