Thursday 9 October 2014

Past Music Videos

Mustafa, Nick, Poppy, Charon from 283goswell on Vimeo.

The reason that I like this video is for many reasons:
The Editing:

  • The editing is fast and goes to beat of the music, there are a lot of jump cuts and cut aways in the video which makes it look like a music video
  • The lack of seamless editing is also helpful as, like in most music videos, they are not like movies, the editing looks better
  • They also used base track editing which is good for when you need a variety of locations and to use for jump cuts etc.
The Camera:

  • Although, not a huge variety of different shots and camera angles/ movement were used, it may give an idea of how we can make our video better than theirs. 
The Location:
  • This group used a variety of different shooting locations and had many different base tracks which make it easier to edit 
Also the 'artist' in the video suited the voice of the singer and did a good job of acting out the part of this video.

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