Thursday 22 January 2015

Final progress Review vlog


Evaluation question 4

This a documentary I have edited about my trip to the cinema for my music video screening. This video Includes the arrival, photographs establishing the location in which are music video is shown in ,audience reaction to my music video and their reaction after the screening.
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Response on Facebook:

Evaluation Question 3

Evaluation Question 2

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Evaluation question 3

Evaluation question 3

I have created this bar chart to show a clear idea of how many different technologies I have used to present my work. For example, video editing has a total of three. I have used three different technologies to edit or annotate videos , such as Camtasia, Windows Movie Maker and Final Cut Pro.

Final digipak and advertisement pieces:

Booklet inside CD

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Someone from my target audiences feedback

This is me editing my ancillary products


Evaluation question 2

Evaluation question 2

Evaluation question 1

            Evaluation question 1

Survey Audience feedback
Here is a survey I have created for my target audience asking question on my music video and ancillary products.
Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Audience feedback on ancillary work so far

Here is some feed back I received from males and females on my ancillary texts (digipak and advertisement)

final ancillary work

Final Ancillary Advert

Final Front cover

Final Inside cover

Friday 16 January 2015

My Ancillary Work

Inside Panel

Outside Panel


Review for my Ancillary work

ScreenCasting final day editing ancillary

This is a video which I recorded on Camtasia whilst I was editing my advert for my ancillary work on Photo Shop. In this editing session I was focusing on the style in how I want to show the artist name on he advert and including information to promote the album. I added a glow o the artist name as I want to be consistent with my digipak. Therefore, I selected 'Layer Style' and adjusted the shadows, glow and bevel on the font. I had to be aware as the font is white and the background is quite a light colour as well. I received feedback from a teacher to she if she could read the artist name clearly from a far distance. One suggestion my teacher gave me was that I should add stroke on to the text so that the words are outlines clearly.

creating my promotional sticker for my front cover

Thursday 15 January 2015

Video on editing process on ancillary work

Video on editing process on ancillary work 

Editing day 3

I want to thank every single person who has helped me create this album. This album would have not been possible without the help of others.0
I want to thank every single person for the support that they gave me to help create this beautiful piece of art.

The beginning of an end,

I want to thank every single person who has supported me during this journey. I am very proud over what I have accomplished in the end. Thank you to my family, friends, supporters, without you this would of been a dream I could of never turned into reality. I am proud to say that this is the beginning of an end. I assure you.

I think that everything that we have done, was together and not single.

I know that what I ha

"Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it." -Bruce Lee

This quote has inspired me throughout the whole of my career. We are all unique and beautiful in our own ways and I want you all to know that. If we want something, we need to go and get it because without our strength, our success will not exist.  I want to thank every single person who has supported me and stood beside me through dark and successful times. as it is "through our darkest moments that we focus to see the light" -Aristotle.

It is only our darkest times where we focus to see the light.

"Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it." -Bruce Lee

We are all beautiful and unique in our own ways, we have the ability to achieve anything we want. The hardest part isn't the journey to succeed, it's the effort, sweat and blood you put in. Nothing is impossible, only if you make it. 

I want to thank every single person who has supported me throughout this journey, my fans, family, friends, my team, everyone. Without you, this would have been something 

Progress of my digipak

This is a screenshot of what my digipak looks like at the moment. I tried to be as conventional as possible and stick to what I had in my mock up.

Ancillary Editing day 3

Ancillary editing on PhotoShop

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Ancillary work from other students

Do's and Don'ts for Ancillary Work

Vlog on my work so far!


Here I done a vlog on Camtasia to show you what I have done so far. I have asked on some advice on what I should do to change it and one of it was to keep my track list font style and the name of the album consistent throughout the whole time, which I then did as before it was on 'regular' font now it's consistent with 'italic'.

I am also explaining some of the things where I changed my mind on.

Hopefully you like it so far :)

Screenshots of me editing my digipak! (The next day from the last blog about this)