Monday 29 December 2014

Mock up / Potential look for my advertisement

Mock up/Potential look for my advertisement
This is a design I did by hand for my advertisement. I had a clear idea of how I wanted my advertisement to look like after having done my digipak, as the use of font , colours and images  link with each other, which helped me to create a conventionally advertisement. I followed the rules of Do's and Dont's. For this advertisement I have used two different fonts in different colours. The artist name and album title name is in the same colour and font we see at the front of my digipak. The use of the text being white stands out from everything else shown on the advert. I have also included the digipak (front cover of the album) with the artist shown wearing the same clothes allowing the audience to remember who she is and promoting her CD.
 In addition, I have included reviews from British music magazines 'Q magazine', artist website which I created on wix, release date and places in which the audience can purchase 'AnaE' album. The purpose for this advertisement was to promote the artist and increase her audience.

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