Monday 15 December 2014

Design activity

Experimenting Photoshop
This is a screen shot of a design activity , which consisted of creating a digipak for the first time on Photo shop. I was given a set of random pictures and asked to work on them to create a digipak that would follow conventions to look like a album people expect to see. I started by enlarging the original image and placing it on the right panel, so that the image would take up the whole space. In the picture we see a couple in quite old era, this is shown throw their style, costume, the use of black and white and the quality of the photograph.
Instantly, the first thing that came up to my mind was love and Paris. There fore I named the album 'Sweet Love'; there was a connection between the image and the album name. For the back of the album I used as white font , which was also used for the Artist name. In order to keep within the same theme of love , I ensured that the name of the songs would  follow the theme. This album would be targeted towards and older audience and couples. In addition, I added a bar code and the logo for 'Sony Music' to show the record label. This isn't a finished piece as I would have liked to add other things such as: copyright, graphic design and website address. However, there wasn't enough time in our lesson to complete this as we did this towards the end and it was my first time using Photo shop. 

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