Monday 29 December 2014

Ancillary production pitch

Independent research on Psychology of fonts/Typography


Mock up / Potential look for my advertisement

Mock up/Potential look for my advertisement
This is a design I did by hand for my advertisement. I had a clear idea of how I wanted my advertisement to look like after having done my digipak, as the use of font , colours and images  link with each other, which helped me to create a conventionally advertisement. I followed the rules of Do's and Dont's. For this advertisement I have used two different fonts in different colours. The artist name and album title name is in the same colour and font we see at the front of my digipak. The use of the text being white stands out from everything else shown on the advert. I have also included the digipak (front cover of the album) with the artist shown wearing the same clothes allowing the audience to remember who she is and promoting her CD.
 In addition, I have included reviews from British music magazines 'Q magazine', artist website which I created on wix, release date and places in which the audience can purchase 'AnaE' album. The purpose for this advertisement was to promote the artist and increase her audience.

Mock up/ Potential look for my Digipak

Mock up/ Potential look for digipak
Here are some potential designs I have done  with annotations using paint ,colouring pencils, felt tips and photographs for my Digipak.
I have kept the theme colour pink consistent, the same font which is shown in two different colours (black and white) and followed the conventions of a pop digipak.
This is a video below of the process of designing my digipak

Planning ancillary: photos that I plan to use (Thinglink)

Planning ancillary: photos that I plan to use 

Planning Ancillary: Short list

Monday 22 December 2014

Extra Blog- Practice Front Album Covers!!

Album Cover Ideas/Practice:

I've been doing some website searches where I can use it to my full advantage and practice my album cover ideas. I have found where I worked on my edits above. I wanted to be creative and just experiment with ideas of the album cover also, ideas that I know I wouldn't use as my final draft for example the black and white background pictures. The reason being is because I want my album cover to be consistent with the music video and to have a black and white edit doesn't show much consistency or synergy which I will avoid. This shows me that this task was very useful because I know now what I definitely do not want to have which brings me a step closer.

Pictures of the process:

Hope you liked my drafts!
-Arbrie :)

Potential photos


These photos are what I am likely going to be using. I think these images will be perfect for my album and advertisement because it's showing Ana in her dress, therefore establishing continuity. The theme/concept continues with every media product  which is beneficial. It also links with my music video which I think is really good for when my audience look at it, they can connect with it straight away and AnaE is easily recognizable through the synergy and the dress with the location.

I am not entirely sure yet which photos I would be using exactly but I think some of these images are definitely what I want to be using. First of all, I want to experiment a little with the pictures to see how it could look if they were my real photos and then decide.

Overview on costumes AND on locations.

Note: I have made 2 separate blog posts come together in one because both of these connect with each other as my decisions are dependent on the location and costumes and I wanted to show that by doing this.

Sunday 21 December 2014

Feed back from cinema screening and Evaluation Q4.

 Feedback from cinema screening and Evaluation Question 4
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Wednesday 17 December 2014

Ideas from album covers (Thinglink)

In order to create my digipak I decided to go on Pinterest to  futher develop some ideas. Using my Pinterest account I used the search tool bar and wrote key words such as "pop", "album", "artist" and "pink". I used these key words because I have clear idea of what I was looking for and the genre of my music video is pop.  A variety of images stood out to me as they had the similar theme colours, synergy and brand image as the artist in our music video(me). I really liked the use of hue filters ,graphic design , photographs and  font for all of these pictures. I have created a folder in my Pinterest account with annotations of these pictures as I would like to incorporate them into my album.
Other ideas 

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Digi pak and Advertisment Design Breif

Finding real media advertisment

On my way back home from college, I noticed a few advertisements on the tube station for album releases. For example, 'Clavin Harris' Motion and ' Paolo Nutini' caustic love. Before taking these pictures I took the chance to observe them and see in what ways the colours, images and font complement each other, the images used and additional information. Through looking at their album covers, I thought of the layout and possible genres the artist may work in. This gives me an idea of how I could incorporate these key elements for when I design my digipak and advertisement. This gives me inspiration and has a great influence as I see different types of advertisements for different genres of music and films every day. This enables me to develop my appreciation of different media forms and my understanding of Media in our society. As I am constantly observing things around me, digesting them and incorporating this into my thinking and work.

Assessment of 3 Digipaks and advertisments

Progress Assessment

Monday 15 December 2014

Do's and Dont's


Design activity

Experimenting Photoshop
This is a screen shot of a design activity , which consisted of creating a digipak for the first time on Photo shop. I was given a set of random pictures and asked to work on them to create a digipak that would follow conventions to look like a album people expect to see. I started by enlarging the original image and placing it on the right panel, so that the image would take up the whole space. In the picture we see a couple in quite old era, this is shown throw their style, costume, the use of black and white and the quality of the photograph.
Instantly, the first thing that came up to my mind was love and Paris. There fore I named the album 'Sweet Love'; there was a connection between the image and the album name. For the back of the album I used as white font , which was also used for the Artist name. In order to keep within the same theme of love , I ensured that the name of the songs would  follow the theme. This album would be targeted towards and older audience and couples. In addition, I added a bar code and the logo for 'Sony Music' to show the record label. This isn't a finished piece as I would have liked to add other things such as: copyright, graphic design and website address. However, there wasn't enough time in our lesson to complete this as we did this towards the end and it was my first time using Photo shop. 

Friday 12 December 2014

Analysis of three digipaks and three advertisments

Here are different walls I have designed with annotations of different pop artist's digipak and advert.
1. Katy Perry - Teenage Dream
 2. Beyonce - 4
3. Michael Jackson -This is it

Examining previous ancillary work

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Tuesday 9 December 2014

Initial ideas and notes for evaluation question 3


Short list of fonts, colours, layout and design ideas

3 digi pak analysis

Katy Perry- One of the Boys:

Ariana Grande- Yours Truly:

Here this is a different genre I wanted to analyse because I wanted to show a clear difference between pop artists and rap artists, in the hip hop world. It is very much different as the connotations you expect in albums vary when it comes to a different genre type which I think is very important to consider. The album I chose to analyse for this is Eminem's Recovery Album:

Eminem- Recovery:

Mainstream VS Indie

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                        Question 1 & 2

Skills Development

Extra Blog: Synergy for our Music Video

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How I Feel About Our Music Video

My 2nd- Reflection on Progress Blog!

Monday 8 December 2014

Blogging Health Check 2

This is the second Blogging health check, which my teacher has given marks for my blogs so far and comments on what went well. I'm very glad that my teacher was pleased with the effort I put into all my blogs. I ensure that I work to the best of my ability and aim for the best mark by keeping motivated and focused. Progressed is being made as my marks has gone higher than what it was a month ago. I will continue to sustain the quality and quantity of posts.
Changes needed to be made:
- change black background on blog are replace with something which represents our artist/ brand image 

Saturday 6 December 2014

Final day editing (deadline) and how it went

                 This is a video I recorded in which I speak about our last couple of hours editing our music video before our deadline. In this video I mention how I felt on the day of our deadline, what my group and I did, my personal experience as the artist in the music video and what things went wrong. 

Thursday 4 December 2014

Skills Development

Skills Development

Improvements before deadline

Improvements before deadline

Editing Collage

Editing Collage
This is collage I created with all the picture I took whilst my group and I were working during post production for our music video. I decided to present my work in a different way so I found a new ICT software in which I could present images  in a visually entertaining way.

Wednesday 3 December 2014


This is us editing our music video.. We hope you like it :)
There will be more to come!

Today we attended workshop as we want to make the best of editing as our deadline is in two days. As a group we decided to watch our music video and discuss things we could change to make our music video much more visually entertaining for our audience. We added special effects such as : dissolves ,strobe effect and slow motion.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Friday 21 November 2014

Feedback from dancer, target audience and editor - Ana

Feedback from dancer, editor and target audience
This is a video on questions we asked one of the dancers in our music video. we wanted to know what their experience was like during filming for our music video and after viewing our rough cut what things she believed went well and what we could improve on.
This is a video of two young boys who gave us their opinion of what are music video looks like so far. They commented on things they liked and things we could improve. We wanted to ask males aswell to have a variety and honest opinion from different people.
Advise/ Improvement:

This a video of Phillipa telling us how editing is going so far, after our first rough cut.

Interview with AnaE

                                   Interview with AnaE
This an interview with AnaE held by Arbrie who asked questions about the music video 'Real Love', influences, becoming a British Artist and how it feels to be part of the industry, reasons of the song and future plans.

Rough cut 1

Rough Cut 1
This is our Rough Cut so far , we are still in the process of editing and making changes to our music video. This is not our official Rough cut . The final rough cut will be due on 28th November. We still need to add quick shots of people holding the candle in our music video and different ethnicity's. Showing people with the candle and different people happy is the key thing we want to show in our music video. We have many footage of people already, we just need to add this to our music video. We also need to add the footage we have of establishing shots later on this week.
We will do this in workshop and ensure that our ending is strong.

Rough Draft Promotional Video/Teaser

Rough Draft Promotional Video/Teaser
Here is a rough draft of a promotional video/teaser we have created for our music video. We decided to do this as it will be great to share on social media sites (facebook,twitter, instagram) so that the artist can get recognition and gain popularity status through word of mouth , shares , likes and comments.
 In this teaser there are some shots that will be shown in our music, however this video was created before we went out to re shoot at some locations, as we wanted to improve our shots and due to the problem of loosing our footage because our memory card was corrupt.
Now that we have many base tracks in different locations and different shot types we were able to construct our music video. We will also use the new footage in our final teaser which is shown in our rough cut. The final teaser will include footage of the dance choreography and more vibrant, exciting footage which will persuade our target audience to watch the music video. We will use special effects such as slow motion and possibly filters, to attract viewers to our music video.
We have already received positive comments from our teaser on AnaE's Youtube Channel

Editing Day 4

Editing day 4 and Feedback our teacher

In this picture, our teacher is giving feedback on our work on what to include and what to cut in our upcoming music video. This helps a lot because we need advice on how to improve it once it is not fully done.
To improve our music video we were told that we needed more movement, as its an essential feature in music videos and follows Carol Vernallis theory. We took our teachers comment on board and looked through most of our base tracks, for shots that had movement but at the same time had good lighting and the words and movement of the artist lips would sync with the music .

Pictures of the editing process:

Event for AnaE fans

Vlog on AnaE Events

-Ana and Arbrie

Poster for Meet and Greet
- Created by Ana 
We have created the event on facebook so that her fans can access to any details of the event easily.


Here we are broadcasting our event that we are going to hold for our fans so they can easily have communtication with our artist. It's here on our instagram and our twitter.
Instagram: anaaa.ex
Twitter: mediagroup27