Sunday 2 November 2014

Sneak peak of our music video!

In Southbank- BEHIND THE SCENES!! :)

I filmed this video because I wanted to show our audience a little sneak peak. I think this is a good idea because once the music video will be out next month, we can release a teaser for it which we can use as promotion. We also had an audience whilst filming which we personally didn't expect, therefore was excited about this. Most of the people that came to watch our music video, looked like they fit our target audience category which shows that we picked the right age range for our music video. We had several people taking pictures of us which we weren't really comfortable about.  However, we couldn't really stop them because it was an open space performance, where anyone can come and watch. On the other hand, if we have them posting the pictures or videos on social media, it will mean we are generating promotion for our music video which we want to have as we do not have the budget to do a lot of marketing which is therefore an advantage.

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