Monday 10 November 2014

Edited Photographs at Alexandra palace

Edits of some of the photographs 
Here are some of the photographs of the photo shoot we did of me 'AnaE' at Alexandra Palace. I have selected the top six pictures which I thought were the best and edited the photographs in the style and way I would for my digi pak as a base, then I would layer things on top later such as texts, shape, logo, social media and bar code.

This is a Black and white edit. The original was in colour. I have adjust the exposure and colour of the picture to make it seem more professional. I have increase the contrast and reduced the sharpness of the picture to make the artist stand out from her surrounding. 
For this Photograph I decided to give it a posterize effects with a pink tint as pink is one of our theme colours and during post production we may tint our music video pink .
This photograph is more natural. I have put increased the colour temperature to give a warm feel of the artist to the audience. By increasing the colour temperature it allows the colours of the leaves , dress and red lipstick stand out more. I have adjusted the detail of the photograph by reducing the noise so that its smooth-ens the arts skin , which hides any imperfections and  make her skin look clear. This is very common in industry as through media, artist are shown as beautiful and perfect by the use of photo shop.

Here is another photograph which I have edited showing how it looked before and after it was edited. I decided to adjust the colour by making the background darker and making the artist glow and stand out. I decreased the brightness and increased the contrast of the picture which allowed the bright colours in the picture to stand out such as the silver dress with sequences, red lips and the artist skin. I also decreased the colour temperature to make it darker and gave the image more of a pink/yellow tint. I think that this photograph that I have edited may be ideal for the back of my digi pack with all the names of songs. As the bold pink text I will use will stand out in contrast to the dark background.

For this photograph I decided to keep it quite natural. I've added more colour to the image an adjusted the detail by reducing the noise, to create a smooth and clear image.

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