Sunday 2 November 2014

Day 3 of shooting: Dalston /Camden

Day three - Dalston and Camden
On the third day of shooting we went to Camden Lock and Dalston market to get  shots of people from different ethnicity's and we recorded a base track of the artist singing in Camden. As it was Halloween it was quite crowded which made it a bit hard to film as people would constantly walk into our shot which disrupted the continuity. However we did get  shots of the stools in Camden market,different foods from different countries and people smiling.This is exactly what we aim to show in our video. When recording some people  working in Dalston market we had to ask for permission, to ensure that what we did was correct and caused no problems, as they were quite busy attending customers.
Canal- Camden Lock 
We did a long shot of the artist walking happily across the bridge.

Indian fabric shop in Camden

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