Friday 21 November 2014

Feedback from dancer, target audience and editor - Ana

Feedback from dancer, editor and target audience
This is a video on questions we asked one of the dancers in our music video. we wanted to know what their experience was like during filming for our music video and after viewing our rough cut what things she believed went well and what we could improve on.
This is a video of two young boys who gave us their opinion of what are music video looks like so far. They commented on things they liked and things we could improve. We wanted to ask males aswell to have a variety and honest opinion from different people.
Advise/ Improvement:

This a video of Phillipa telling us how editing is going so far, after our first rough cut.

Interview with AnaE

                                   Interview with AnaE
This an interview with AnaE held by Arbrie who asked questions about the music video 'Real Love', influences, becoming a British Artist and how it feels to be part of the industry, reasons of the song and future plans.

Rough cut 1

Rough Cut 1
This is our Rough Cut so far , we are still in the process of editing and making changes to our music video. This is not our official Rough cut . The final rough cut will be due on 28th November. We still need to add quick shots of people holding the candle in our music video and different ethnicity's. Showing people with the candle and different people happy is the key thing we want to show in our music video. We have many footage of people already, we just need to add this to our music video. We also need to add the footage we have of establishing shots later on this week.
We will do this in workshop and ensure that our ending is strong.

Rough Draft Promotional Video/Teaser

Rough Draft Promotional Video/Teaser
Here is a rough draft of a promotional video/teaser we have created for our music video. We decided to do this as it will be great to share on social media sites (facebook,twitter, instagram) so that the artist can get recognition and gain popularity status through word of mouth , shares , likes and comments.
 In this teaser there are some shots that will be shown in our music, however this video was created before we went out to re shoot at some locations, as we wanted to improve our shots and due to the problem of loosing our footage because our memory card was corrupt.
Now that we have many base tracks in different locations and different shot types we were able to construct our music video. We will also use the new footage in our final teaser which is shown in our rough cut. The final teaser will include footage of the dance choreography and more vibrant, exciting footage which will persuade our target audience to watch the music video. We will use special effects such as slow motion and possibly filters, to attract viewers to our music video.
We have already received positive comments from our teaser on AnaE's Youtube Channel

Editing Day 4

Editing day 4 and Feedback our teacher

In this picture, our teacher is giving feedback on our work on what to include and what to cut in our upcoming music video. This helps a lot because we need advice on how to improve it once it is not fully done.
To improve our music video we were told that we needed more movement, as its an essential feature in music videos and follows Carol Vernallis theory. We took our teachers comment on board and looked through most of our base tracks, for shots that had movement but at the same time had good lighting and the words and movement of the artist lips would sync with the music .

Pictures of the editing process:

Event for AnaE fans

Vlog on AnaE Events

-Ana and Arbrie

Poster for Meet and Greet
- Created by Ana 
We have created the event on facebook so that her fans can access to any details of the event easily.


Here we are broadcasting our event that we are going to hold for our fans so they can easily have communtication with our artist. It's here on our instagram and our twitter.
Instagram: anaaa.ex
Twitter: mediagroup27

Thursday 20 November 2014

Artist 'AnaE' Website

AnaE Website
Here are some screen shot of the website I have created for our artist 'AnaE'. Fans will be able to keep up to date with the latest news, tours, songs or videos.

Feedback from editing so far

   Post Production and Feedback 
This is a video I have created and edited. I speak about post production of our music video , theories which have influenced us , tools used to edit and feed back we have received from our teacher of the work we have produce so far. We are still in the process of editing our music video.

Editing Day 3 PLUS Theories on our Music Video!

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Monday 17 November 2014

editing day 2

Editing day 2
Here are some screen shots whilst we were editing for our music video. As you can see in the print screens there are several extreme close ups, mid shots and close up shots to start with . We decided to use these shots types at the start of our music video so that the audience immediately know who the artist is and shows the importance of the artist.
         Extreme close up of red lips represents the artist as she always wears red lipstick. We thought this was really important as we want to show key highlighted features and brand image
        Choosing base tracks from different locations. We decided to chose locations which were more relaxed and had a beautiful view to start of with, as it goes with the slow tempo of the music and the slow movement of the artist at the beginning of the song.
   We decided to do a extreme close up of the eyes as eyes can show emotion. Our song 'Real Love' has a lot of emotion as it talks about love and happiness.
  Big curly hair. 'AnaE' hair is a key highlighted feature. The audience will recognize her by her red lips and curly big hair. This may influence her fans to style their hair the same way she does, creating a trend.

Sunday 16 November 2014

Beginning to edit - Ana

Beginning to edit - Ana
I have decided to print the lyrics of the song 'Real Love' by Jess Glynne and annotate the lyrics to give a clear structure when editing. This makes it easier for when we edit as we can write down the footage we have and where it would be most appropriate to place it in the song. We will also refer back to our animatic and story board, as we having included shots we said we would use in our storyboard.
 However, if there are any changes we can always look back at the base tracks we have and lyrics. We will ensure that we don't cut to the lyrics and change locations quickly. We will edit to the beat of the music and use shots which introduce the artist and locations in the conventional way we expect to see in music videos. For example, pans, mid shots and close up of the artist in a calm atmosphere to start of  with, then we will show more of an urban location such as graffiti walls . This will  be where the artist is enjoying herself and part of the dance choreography.

Saturday 15 November 2014

Progress and improvements (Blogging health check 1)

After looking at  my teachers feedback from my blogs, I have decided to continue to :
- Continue to use a variety of ICT
- Blog regularly on any changes whilst editing or filming
- Keeping a clear structure to my blogs
Ways I can improve :
- Involve audience more with the artist rather then just using social media (facebook , twitter ,instagram, pinterest etc..) For example organize events or competitions for Target audience/fans through the different social media sites I have created.
Overall, I achieved my target as I predicted in my Reflection on progress blog. Now my aim is to work harder to achieve the best possible mark.

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Extra Blog- What I realised..

                            Taylor Swift

Filming day- Re Shooting Camden

Re Shooting Camden 
Here are some photographs we have taken when we re-shot our base tracks in Camden town. We decided to re-shoot our footage because when we watched it for the first time we realised that the lighting was quite shaky as we used dedo lights with the handle and we were filming on a bridge at Camden Locke where it was quite busy. We also realised that the light was only reflecting on my face.
In order to improve our shot this time we decided to use dedo lights with barn doors and a stand to give a clear and clean view to our shot.
We also filmed in two locations this time. We found a nice graffiti wall  which had a heart ,we thought that this was ideal as the lyrics of our song talks about love. In this base track I want to present myself happy as I'm in love . I showed this by jumping , dancing and spinning.
We done a photo shoot in Camden with Ana and here are some practice photogrphas we may use for our digi pack.

These are pictures that are not part of our photoshoot but filming. The first picture with the 2 buildings by the water is a picture showing where we was filming one of our base tracks. The top right picture is where we was filming Ana walking through these graffiti walls, bottom left is where we were filming our base track, bottom middle is a graffiti wall we found that represents Ana's precious love as it has a heart in it. then bottom right is a picture with Ana and Phillippa sitting by the water filming a base track.
Photos that were interesting to talk about:

When we finished filming our base tracks with this heart graffiti wall, we saw something interesting which was 2 people dressed up in costumes and a photographer coming to do a photoshoot using the same wall we used to film with. We found this important to talk about because it shows that many people come and use this wall to make a professional shoot out of it. If some of our audience recognise the location we used, it emphasises the fact that AnaE is a British artist as these are common London places people go to. However, another way to show that people use this area as a shooting place is through this:

This is a mark people in music videos use to help them know where they have to stand for the camera. We obviously didn't show the mark because we were only interested in the wall however, it is worth knowing that people use this. Maybe people that see our music video will remind them about other formats where this wall can be seen which can generate social media discussions, therefore more viewers.

Evidence/ Photos of the people shooting here^^^

Filming day- Re Shooting China town

Re Shooting China town 
We decided to re-shoot in China Town as we thought we needed another base track in a location which shows something typical about China.
We also thought that we had to improve the lighting as we used a dedo light with a handle as it was quite dark and cloudy in our first shoot.
We found a new location which we thought was ideal for us to film. There were bright colours such as red and green. There was also Chinese writing and red lanterns which showed more of the Chinese culture, this was great as we wanted to involve different ethnicities and communities in London.

We also involved traditional food from China in our music video to show that our artist is interacting with the Chinese culture. We went into a Chinese buffet and got a variety of foods such as noodles, crackers, spring rolls, fried rice and sweet and sour chicken.

 Although we changed locations we filmed this time we kept the costumes , hairstyle and make up the same as we had some good shots in our previous footage. We also wanted to keep the brand image the same throughout our music video such as : red lip stick, curly hair and accessories.

Monday 10 November 2014

Edited Photographs at Alexandra palace

Edits of some of the photographs 
Here are some of the photographs of the photo shoot we did of me 'AnaE' at Alexandra Palace. I have selected the top six pictures which I thought were the best and edited the photographs in the style and way I would for my digi pak as a base, then I would layer things on top later such as texts, shape, logo, social media and bar code.

This is a Black and white edit. The original was in colour. I have adjust the exposure and colour of the picture to make it seem more professional. I have increase the contrast and reduced the sharpness of the picture to make the artist stand out from her surrounding. 
For this Photograph I decided to give it a posterize effects with a pink tint as pink is one of our theme colours and during post production we may tint our music video pink .
This photograph is more natural. I have put increased the colour temperature to give a warm feel of the artist to the audience. By increasing the colour temperature it allows the colours of the leaves , dress and red lipstick stand out more. I have adjusted the detail of the photograph by reducing the noise so that its smooth-ens the arts skin , which hides any imperfections and  make her skin look clear. This is very common in industry as through media, artist are shown as beautiful and perfect by the use of photo shop.

Here is another photograph which I have edited showing how it looked before and after it was edited. I decided to adjust the colour by making the background darker and making the artist glow and stand out. I decreased the brightness and increased the contrast of the picture which allowed the bright colours in the picture to stand out such as the silver dress with sequences, red lips and the artist skin. I also decreased the colour temperature to make it darker and gave the image more of a pink/yellow tint. I think that this photograph that I have edited may be ideal for the back of my digi pack with all the names of songs. As the bold pink text I will use will stand out in contrast to the dark background.

For this photograph I decided to keep it quite natural. I've added more colour to the image an adjusted the detail by reducing the noise, to create a smooth and clear image.

Alexandra palace photoshoot

Sunday 9 November 2014

The day we film the sky lanterns!

Re Shooting Opening for our music videos and Lanterns
Open fields (Chase lane park) Intro for our music video
Meeting at Chingford
VLOG 5 Opening and Lanterns


Saturday 8 November 2014

Friday 7 November 2014

Re-filming of Alexandra Palace Scene!!

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Alexandra Park - Video Maker

A little vlog talking about everything that happened!

*Tomorrow we will be arriving at 9am in college to save all our footage on the hard drive to make sure everything is fine. Then we will be going to the Media Open day, and then at 1pm we are making our way to Southbank to do the dance routine again with the dancers.

So stay tuned for tomorrow's update!!! :)


Tuesday 4 November 2014

Something happened to our footage.....

We have to continue filming.....

On the 3rd of November we was in class where we made a vlog, after we wanted to check our footage to make sure everything is alright. We had 3 memory cards of footage, however, one of them 

When we was in class we wanted to check all of our footage to make sure everything was in good condition and looks good. We filmed with 3 memory cards, however one of them was corrupted. Of course we didn't know about this as everything seemed perfectly fine when we checked the footage whilst filming however, when we plugged the memory card into the computer all of our recorded scenes were wiped off completely. We tried everything to retrieve the footage as we went to the technicians and they helped us in any way possible which we are grateful about but we couldn't get it back as the chance for this to happen is 'extremely rare'. We appreciate the help of the media technicians because they tried to do everything they could to get it back.

The footage that we lost was the dance routine in South Bank and in Alexandra Park. Of course it was a shock when we found out in the beginning but we cannot do anything about it. Although we were confident we had good shots for the music video, we have to do it again. We are in the end looking at this on a positive note as we get the chance to make it better. We want to keep ourselves going and not think negatively about this. 

On Friday 7th November 2014, we are straight away going to South Bank

32GB memory card

Jess Glynne 'Rather Be' Song

On my music app I saw that Jess Glynnes song 'Rather Be' is on the top charts. I thought this will be something interesting to talk about because this shows our artist we are covering is on her way to becoming a successful mainstream artist from an independent one. After seeing this I went on YouTube to check how much views she got through this music video and I found that she has got 160,509,291 views which is very successful for a music video as it is hard to get something like that. After I saw that I thought our music video is on its way to becoming successful too as this figure cleary shows that her fans like it. Therefore, if we keep talking about our recreation of Jess Glynne's music video on social media, we are more likely to attract a bigger audience than we imagined. 

-Blogging from my phone.

Changes and final decision

Changes and Final decisions

Sunday 2 November 2014

Sneak peak of our music video!

In Southbank- BEHIND THE SCENES!! :)

I filmed this video because I wanted to show our audience a little sneak peak. I think this is a good idea because once the music video will be out next month, we can release a teaser for it which we can use as promotion. We also had an audience whilst filming which we personally didn't expect, therefore was excited about this. Most of the people that came to watch our music video, looked like they fit our target audience category which shows that we picked the right age range for our music video. We had several people taking pictures of us which we weren't really comfortable about.  However, we couldn't really stop them because it was an open space performance, where anyone can come and watch. On the other hand, if we have them posting the pictures or videos on social media, it will mean we are generating promotion for our music video which we want to have as we do not have the budget to do a lot of marketing which is therefore an advantage.

Day 4 Alexandra Palace

Day 4 : Alexandra Palace
Alexander Palace was the location  where we decided to shoot for the intro of the song as well as some base tracks. We have a lot of different base tracks for this location as well as the intro.  We have use close ups, extreme close ups ,high angle shots , pans and moved the camera in a circle motion with the fig rig around the camera. All these shots gives us more choice for when it comes to editing our music video and the different shots become visually interesting for viewers.
We wanted to record some firework display as we were filming  this section on the 1st of November, however we didn't have enough space on our memory card as well as the fact that we had to pay to see them. Apart from this the shoot was moderately successful.

Day 3 of shooting: Dalston /Camden

Day three - Dalston and Camden
On the third day of shooting we went to Camden Lock and Dalston market to get  shots of people from different ethnicity's and we recorded a base track of the artist singing in Camden. As it was Halloween it was quite crowded which made it a bit hard to film as people would constantly walk into our shot which disrupted the continuity. However we did get  shots of the stools in Camden market,different foods from different countries and people smiling.This is exactly what we aim to show in our video. When recording some people  working in Dalston market we had to ask for permission, to ensure that what we did was correct and caused no problems, as they were quite busy attending customers.
Canal- Camden Lock 
We did a long shot of the artist walking happily across the bridge.

Indian fabric shop in Camden

Filming day 2 - China town


Once we were at China Town and finish recording our base tracks we decided to do a photo shoot. For every location we have taken pictures of the artist, as the photographs could be used for our digi paks.
I have also been uploaded all pictures we have taken onto the artist facebook page 'AnaE' , so that our audience can keep updated with all the things happening during shooting our music video.

Day 2 of shooting: China Town

We went to china town to shoot another two base tracks and take videos of people who we there for our video. This was a good location because a lot of different types of people go there to eat oriental food and see another culture in its element. To an extent this location was successful because we got two base tracks. However, we may need more so we might need to go back.